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Before Your Pet's Procedure

We know it can be very nerve wracking dropping your little (or big!) one off with us

Before Your Pet's Procedure

Please read the following instructions so that your pet can have their procedure safely performed:

  • Please do not allow your dog/cat access to food after MIDNIGHT the night before the procedure. This reduces the risk of vomiting and inhalation during and after anaesthetic. We recommend animals less than 6months old or over 8years old are given a small meal/ snack as late as possible on the night before the procedure.  Cats will need to be confined indoors overnight to prevent them hunting.  Water is encouraged and allowed until 8am.

Ferrets should be fasted for 4hours only before their procedure.

Do not fast rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters and rats and please bring their usual food with them on the morning of their procedure.

  • If your dog will be undergoing a surgical procedure please bath them the night before their surgery to minimize the risk of infection. Please also ensure your pet has a chance to go to the toilet before arriving for their procedure.
  • Please bring your pet to the surgery at your allocated admission time (usually between 8:15am and 8:45am.) On arrival please come into reception with your pet and check in. Cats should be transported in a suitable box or basket.
  • We will phone you when your pet has had their procedure to arrange a collection time.  Most animals are ready to go home between 4.00pm and 6:30pm.  You will likely require transport as they may be unsteady due to the effects of the anaesthetic.
  • On admission of your pet you will be asked to sign a consent form giving permission for the anaesthetic and the procedure.
  • This practice offers a pre-anaesthetic blood screen to all pets undergoing an anaesthetic and surgery.  This blood screen is valuable in evaluating the ability of your pet to recover safely and quickly.  We recommend this screen to all pets aged eight years or older.  The test is of benefit to younger animals allowing identification of possible problems before any clinical signs of disease are noticeable by the owner or veterinary surgeon.  This further increases the safety of the anaesthesia and surgery for your pet



We know it can be very nerve wracking dropping your little (or big!) one off with us to have a procedure or operation performed. Today may feel like a very long day for you, even though it will fly by for your pet!

Please be reassured they are in very good hands and we will do everything possible to keep them safe and sound.


  • We ask that all patients are admitted early in the morning, even if their procedure is likely to be done in the early afternoon. This is in part because they need time to settle at the practice for any pre-anaesthetic drugs to take effect, such as pre-emptive analgesia and calming medications to ensure they have a nice, smooth anaesthetic.
  • We will phone you when they have had their procedure and are ready to go home. Please only phone us if you haven’t heard by 5pm.
  • Please keep your phone on you at all times and on loud in case we need to get hold of you in an emergency.
  • The order in which we perform the day’s procedures are determined by the veterinary surgeon in charge of their care. All sterile surgeries are usually carried out before non-sterile procedures such as dental treatment as these release a lot of bacteria into the air.


When your pet is discharged you will be given verbal and written instructions about how to look after them whilst they recover. There is plenty you can do today to get ready for them coming back:

  • Ensure any other animals in the house have been taken care of, such as by taking them for a long walk so they are not too energetic when your sleepy pet comes home!
  • Discuss with any children in the house that your pet will be sleepy and won’t feel like themselves. Your pet will need peace, quiet and rest when they get back home, and some animals behave differently after an anaesthetic.
  • Ensure your pet has a nice, comfortable bed set up. This would ideally be downstairs so they don’t need to walk up a flight of stairs as they may be feeling unsteady on their feet. You might not feel like carrying them upstairs if you have a 50kg Rottweiler!
  • Check and see if you already have a buster collar or body suit if you think your pet may try to lick their wound. We can provide inflatable and plastic buster collars which the nurses will offer you at their discharge appointment. These are not included in the cost of procedure and usually cost between £3 and £9 for the plastic buster collars, and between £17 and £27 for the inflatable collars.
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